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It’s All About You!

Published on March 28, 2012, by in General Posts.

As it turns out, there have been many people who told me they didn’t want to start their own blog because it felt somehow arrogant.  I thought the same about doing my own.  The strange thing is, I have never felt that others are conceited because they write a blog.  On the contrary, I assume they have interesting things to say and are putting themselves out there and I think, “Hey, good for them!”

Because I’ve seen so many people succeed by improving their public speaking, and I’ve been honored to help them do that, I wrote a book on my program.  Yet, when it came to blogging, I wondered, “Who am I to write a blog?  Why would people want to hear what I have to say?”  When voicing this once, my friend Mel said, “But you think they’d want to read a whole BOOK of it?”  Ahh, touché, my friend.  Mel is supportive of my writing both the book and the blog, but was making the point that obviously it takes less time and commitment to read a blog and it could spark interest in the book.

You would think this would have been my turning point, but alas, what finally did it for me was realizing I have to practice what I preach just like I try to do in other communication.  I tell all my clients this about public speaking – “It’s not about YOU!  It’s about the audience.”  This is a mindset that changes people’s presenting in a profound way that tips, strategies, and even practice cannot.  So, that’s what I plan to do with my blog after this introductory post.  I’m going to make it about YOU, the reader.  I’m going to answer questions that you ask me and discuss topics you suggest as best I can.  And when you don’t send me ideas, I’m going to talk about things that other folks have already asked or expressed interest in that would help the majority of readers.  So, welcome to the Leaders Speak Blog where it’s not about me, it’s about you!

10 Responses

  1. Johanna

    I’m interested in what you have to say and I’m impressed that you’ve put it out there to share. Thank you for sharing yourself with us.

  2. I’ve had the privilege of knowing Jody for 2 years, through a business networking group. When I first joined the group I was a nervous wreck speaking in front of people. I got red in the face, I forgot to breathe, I just wanted to get it over with. However, I decided to tackle my fears head on and took her public speaking course. I am now President of this business networking group, and speak to 50-75 business professionals on a weekly basis. I can only recommend Jody, her courses, her talents, and her knowledge in the highest regard. The lessons that I’ve learned will benefit me for a lifetime.

    • Donna Macher

      I can verify what Mark just said. He was extremely shy and quiet when he first came into our networking group. We were actually in Jody’s public speaking course together and the transformation in him was amazing! Two years ago, I would never have imagined that he would step up and become the president of our amazing chapter. Not only has he stepped up to that challenge, but thanks largely in part to Jody, he has brought a new electricity to the chapter.

  3. Amy Pleimling

    Hi Jody,
    I am so excited to hear about your book and can’t wait to read it! I am a registered dietitian that does a lot of public speaking; but of course have had no formal training. This book will be just what I need to take my professional skills to a higher level. A question for you though.
    I currently am working with a small group (8-10) ladies, teaching them weight loss with a non-diet approach. What happens to me often is that one person will ask a question that the others may not be interested in. I realize I can pull that person aside later to answer her question but could use some tips on how to tactfully redirect back to the task at hand during class. I look forward to applying any advise you have. Thank you!

  4. Ha! Did I actually say that Jody? Wow. I’m a jerk. Glad it helped, and I’m crazy excited for you!! Great work!

  5. Thank you Johanna, Mark and Amy for your comments, I really appreciate them!

    Amy, wonderful question – one that I have been asked before and believe that many people wonder about as well. In fact, I commit to answering that in the next few days in my next blog post so more readers can potentially benefit from this valuable information!

    So everyone, check back and keep bringing me questions so I know what you want to know next. Talk to you all soon!

  6. Good for you, Jody. You have something to say. Put it out there!!

  7. Donna Macher

    I’ve always been outgoing and a little silly, but when I gave my first presentation to our networking chapter, I was a nervous wreck. I was focused on what I wanted to say, not what they wanted to hear. Trying to organize my thoughts in a way that made sense was a daunting task and I’m sure I didn’t do that well. Then I took Jody’s public speaking course. Recently I had the opportunity to present again and the difference was amazing. I actually had fun presenting! Jody didn’t take away my crazy, but her direction helped me to organize my thoughts and direct them to the audience. Jody, you are an amazing woman! Thanks for helping me become a bit more amazing, too! Can’t wait to read the book!

    • Donna, why in the world would anyone want to “take away your crazy” when that’s one of the best things about you?! Thanks for your great testimonial and for seconding Mark’s!

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